In poker, as in life, you will inevitably find yourself under pressure. Whether it’s a big tournament with lots of money on the line or just another day at the office, there will be times when the heat is on. Everything is riding on your ability to stay calm and make the right decisions; at least, that’s what is often mentioned in any guide to be better at poker.

Though it’s not as easy as people usually say to turn the table under high pressure, the possibility is always there. It’s just about how you perform it under this circumstance. But don’t worry. This article will shed some light on how to keep yourself cool under pressure in poker and perform your best when it matters most.

Take a Deep Breath and Focus on the Process

focusedThe first thing you need to do when feeling pressure is to take a step back and focus on the process, not the outcome. This means that you should be thinking about each hand and decision you make rather than the final result of the game. When you’re focused on the process, you’re more likely to make the correct decisions because you’re not getting caught up in the emotion of the moment.

Pay Attention to the Other Players

One of the best ways to stay calm under pressure is to pay attention to the other players at the table. This doesn’t mean that you should be trying to read their tells or figure out what they’re holding, but you should be aware of their general demeanor and betting patterns. If you can keep track of how the other players are reacting to the situation, you’ll be better able to control your own emotions and make the right decisions.


Stay Organized With How You Use Your Chips

Often, people get flustered when they’re down to their last few chips, and they’re not sure how to bet them. If you want to stay calm under pressure, be sure to be organized with your chips. Before the hand starts, decide how much you’ll bet and stick to that plan. Don’t let the other players dictate how much you should bet; don’t get caught up in the moment and make a rash decision.

Think About the Long Term

greedy playerWhen under pressure, it’s easy to focus on the short term and forget about the long term. But if you want to be successful in poker, you need to think about the long term. This means that you shouldn’t make decisions that will put you at a disadvantage in the future, even if they might help you win the current hand. For example, if you’re on a losing streak and you’re tempted to go all-in to try and turn things around, resist the urge and think about your long-term goals.

But again, even if you’ve followed these tips above, there will be times when the pressure is too much, and you need to know when to fold. If you’re feeling like you can’t think straight or are just unsure what to do, it’s usually best to err on the side of caution and fold your hand. It’s better to lose a hand than to make a costly mistake that could cost you the game.

The Best Ways to Keep It Cool Under Pressure in Poker
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